Fresh strategies to engage your affiliates, delivered to your inbox month-after-month.

thanking affiliates for more than 20% of your overall sales

That’s the dream, right?

And, in this dream world, you’ve built a great relationship with your affiliates.

‘Consistent’ is your middle name.

You’re communicating with your affiliates regularly, which allows you to keep a pulse on what’s working (& what’s not) for affiliate promotions.

You have strong relationships.

You’re creating meaningful connections in ways that don’t leave your battery as drained as an iPhone at the end of a long day.

Plus, affiliates are actually sharing.

You’ve got creative strategies that encourage & motivate your affiliates to share their links month after month.

When you have a cohesive strategy for engaging your affiliates, you’re getting results like:

  • Consistent leads from referrals (so you can nurture more people to buy)

  • Regular sales from your affiliates (whether you need one, ten, or twenty sales per week from referrals)

  • And affiliates accounting for more of your overall sales (so you can finally spend less time marketing yourself on social media)

And I totally believe this is possible for most affiliate program creators.

If only your affiliates would share their links. 🙈

Online business owners think getting people to join their affiliate program is hard but, actually getting affiliates to share their links?

That’s the real Dark Souls-level boss of affiliate programs! 💁🏻‍♀️

Gif of John Travolta looking confused in front of an Elden Ring backdrop.

And if you think you’re the only one who doesn’t know how to conquer this boss. Think again.

I’ve worked with 60+ clients on their affiliate & referral programs and I see the same issues crop up again and again:

  • Solopreneurs with super sporadic affiliate sales who can’t seem to turn things around.

  • Course creators who struggle to encourage their affiliates to promote their evergreen products.

  • Business owners with ‘big name’ affiliates in their program who aren’t actively sharing their links.

  • And people who aren’t doing anything for their affiliate programs right now.

If you’re in the same boat, you’re not alone. 💛

If your affiliate program is not doing amazingly, you’re not doing anything wrong. It’s actually just really hard.

And, with businesses to run, client work to deliver, and lives to live, it’s totally understandable that our affiliate programs don’t get our care & attention when they need it. 🪴

engaging your affiliates requires your time & effort and, in reality, that’s really hard to make happen.

Here’s where I’m at:

  • I believe online business owners need to create meaningful connections with their affiliates in order to increase referrals.

  • I believe the best affiliate programs truly listen to their affiliates and implement changes based on feedback & suggestions.

  • I believe affiliates need more than an update email once a quarter or two days before a product goes live.

But I also believe:

  • talking regularly to your affiliates doesn’t have to be such a huge time-suck.

  • you shouldn’t need to be on Zoom calls with your affiliates 4hrs a week.

  • you can absolutely harness the connections & affiliates you already have before inviting 100s of new affiliates to join your program.

Ultimately, I think there are more important things to put your time towards each month than coming up with creative ideas to engage your affiliates.

this is where I come in.

meet zoe: your resident affiliate program wizard!

Hey! I’m Zoe (she/they)! 👋 And I’ve sat at all sides of the affiliate marketing table:

  • I’ve helped nearly 100 online business owners start, manage, and grow their affiliate programs since 2016.

  • I’ve taught 5,800+ people how to run affiliate programs of their own with my Toolkits & trainings.

  • I’ve also made tens of thousands of dollars affiliating for other people’s businesses over the years.

I take a people-led approach to the affiliate programs I work on, which means seeing affiliates as multi-faceted humans instead of numbers on a spreadsheet.

I created Affiliate Amplify as a way to help as many affiliate program creators as I can to activate and engage their affiliates in a way that is as effective & as easy as possible.

Let me handle the strategy and provide you with templates to make it happen, so you can keep on doing what you do best.

Oh! And remind you to pay your affiliates on time. 🫡


Mockup of what's included in Affiliate Amplify

A subscription to monthly resources, strategies & templates to keep people engaged in your affiliate program.

Psst: The price for Affiliate Amplify is raising to $15/m or $15/yr on November 1st.

affiliate engagement? consider it handled.*

*Olivia Pope style

Fresh Strategies To Implement

Shake things up with a strategic (and fun!) idea to implement with your affiliates each month. You’ll get access to a new Resource Packet each month with an affiliate engagement strategy outlined for you. I’ll dig into the whys, hows, and whens so you know exactly what you need to do.

Psst: No worries if you have a cosy group of affiliates. These strategies will apply to you whether you have 1 affiliate or 3937.

Plug-And-Play Templates

I make it as easy as possible to implement each month’s strategy by providing templates & resources to go alongside your strategy each month. For example, if I recommend gathering feedback from your affiliates, I’ll provide you with a survey to duplicate, tweak, and send.

Communicate Consistently

Stop staring at a blank email and start reaching out to your affiliates. With Affiliate Amplify, you’ll receive pre-written email templates with easy-to-tweak options whether you want to implement the recommended strategy for the month or not.

Never Forget Another Payout

Affiliate Amplify includes handy payout reminder emails every month so you never miss another payout again! (These are totally optional and you can opt-in and opt-out at any time!)

Access to Past Resource Packets

You don’t need to implement every month but there’s no rush to make it happen! When you join, you’ll get access to ALL of the Affiliate Amplify Resource Packets I’ve created if you decide you want to implement them later.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ve missed so far…

Surveying your affiliates. Make listening to your affiliates a breeze with this strategy that helps you make improvements & tweaks to your affiliate program. This resource packet includes a done-for-you affiliate survey template as well as 1:1 emails & DMs to help you get as many responses as possible!

Creating bespoke landing pages. Go all out with custom landing pages for select affiliates to increase conversions! This month's pack includes a swipe file of landing pages, a form template, and email invitations so you can ask affiliates if they are interested in having a custom page to send their people to.

Host a 'Make One Sale' push. Encourage affiliates who haven’t made a single sale yet to earn their first commission! This strategy includes a promo packet template, email templates, and a detailed walkthrough of this engagement strategy!

A little extra TLC can double your affiliate sales.

After working with Krista of Summit in a Box, she said:

“We doubled the affiliate sales that we used to have. With the foundation you set for me, it is so much easier for me to update affiliates when I need to and to support my affiliates and leverage them moving forward.”

I know that not every business owner has the budget to hire an affiliate program expert to work with them 1:1.

That’s exactly why I created Affiliate Amplify.

So you can get the same results as Krista with a little DIY-action each month.

Psst: The price for Affiliate Amplify is raising to $15/m or $15/yr on November 1st.

70+ members have already joined 😍

Affiliate Amplify will be right up your street if:

  • You have an affiliate program that needs reviving

  • You’re just getting started with affiliates but you aren’t seeing any wins (yet!)

  • You’re just curious as to what an affiliate wizard (ahem - me!) recommends

I’m already helping 70+ people in Affiliate Amplify across all different niches:

  • website designers & developers

  • Facebook ad consultants

  • social media strategists

  • copywriters & authors

  • coaches & consultants

  • makers & Etsy sellers

  • artists & photographers

  • lawyers

  • templates

  • online courses

  • journals

who are selling a mix of DIY and DFY offers:

  • consultations

  • memberships

  • services

tiny price, big wins

Monthly Membership

$10 USD per month

Cancel anytime

  • New affiliate engagement strategy each month

  • Complimentary templates & resources

  • Monthly affiliate update email template

  • Immediate access to past Resource Packets

  • Optional monthly affiliate payout reminders

  • Access to Customer-Only Facebook group

Annual Membership

$120 USD per year

Cancel anytime

  • New affiliate engagement strategy each month

  • Complimentary templates & resources

  • Monthly affiliate update email template

  • Immediate access to past Resource Packets

  • Optional monthly affiliate payout reminders

  • Access to Customer-Only Facebook group

Psst: The price for Affiliate Amplify is raising to $15/m or $15/yr on November 1st.

a’s to your q’s 👇

  • Affiliate Amplify was created specifically for online business owners who already have affiliates ready to engage.

    If you don’t have a program set up yet, the strategies could be helpful but I can imagine it could also be a little overwhelming if you’re brand new to affiliate/referral programs.

    If you want to start a new affiliate program, take a look at the Affiliate Program Toolkit. And if you’re looking to get more client referrals, the Client Referral Toolkit is for you!

  • Nope! Affiliate Amplify helps you engage people in the affiliate program or client referral program you already have.

    If you want to start a new affiliate program, take a look at the Affiliate Program Toolkit. And if you’re looking to get more client referrals, the Client Referral Toolkit is for you!

  • Yep! If you join Affiliate Amplify, you’ll be invited into my Customer-Only group on Facebook!

  • I think Affiliate Amplify works best for evergreen affiliate & referral programs but there may be helpful ideas each month that you can use to keep affiliates engaged in between launches.

    Otherwise, you might want to take a look at Launch With Affiliates, an on-demand workshop to help you increase affiliate sales for your next launch.

  • When you purchase, you’ll get a login to Affiliate Amplify in ThriveCart Learn, where every resource packet is hosted.

    • Every month’s resource packet is available as text in ThriveCart Learn and in a Google Doc format.

    • Templates & resources are provided in a mix of formats depending on what is most helpful. And I try to provide variations, where possible, to cater for personal preferences.

    • Monthly payout reminder are delivered via emails every month that you can opt-in and opt-out of at any time.

    • Every video included in Affiliate Amplify has closed captions and speed controls.

  • Affiliate Amplify was created to help you engage the affiliates who are already signed up to your affiliate program.

    If you're looking for help with outreach and inviting new people into your program, you'd be better off looking at my upcoming Affiliate Outreach Bundle.

  • I can't guarantee you will get more sales - and neither should any other affiliate strategist.

    That's up to you, your affiliates, your customer journey, your sales pages, your offer quality, and so much more. You could have thousands of affiliates sending thousands of people your way but your affiliates can only get sales if your sales process allows them to.

    All I can do is help you keep your affiliates engaged in promoting, I can't get your customers to buy for you.

  • Funny you ask because Affiliate Amplify was originally going to be a self-paced course. When I started to map it out and create it, I realised the issue wasn’t necessarily people not knowing HOW to engage their affiliates but also making the TIME each and every month to make it happen.

    Self-paced courses can gather dust in your inbox but a monthly reminder to engage your affiliates (along with creative strategies & templates to help make them reality)? That’s where the action happens.

  • With Affiliate Amplify, you’ll get access to monthly strategies and templates to help you engage your affiliates. What you don’t get is strategies to help you review your affiliate program as a whole.

    If you’re interested in that, you should take a look at Revamp Your Referrals. (You can also buy Revamp Your Referrals at the Affiliate Amplify checkout as a bundle!)

  • Affiliate Amplify includes access to one key strategy to help engage your affiliates every month. That said, I do appreciate that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for every member.

    If you find that strategy doesn’t quite suit you that month, here’s what you can do:

    • take that month’s Resource Packet as a prompt for what you DO want to do with your program

    • browse through the previous Affiliate Amplify Resource Packets and choose another strategy to implement

    • take that month’s affiliate update email and use the customisations provided to still communicate with your affiliates that month

    • provide feedback and let me know what kind of strategies you’d prefer to see

  • Affiliate Amplify is for personal use only. However, I do have a commercial license available for Affiliate Amplify so you can use my strategies for your client work. Please reach out to learn more.

  • Yes! If you need another login for your team member, simply reach out and I'll set that up for you.

  • Due to the low-cost and instant access of materials in Affiliate Amplify, I do not offer any refunds for Affiliate Amplify payments.

    If you join Affiliate Amplify and you’re not happy, please reach out to me via

  • Yes! You can login to your ThriveCart customer hub and cancel your subscription at any time.

new to affiliate programs?

If you don’t have an affiliate program set up yet, learn how to turn your (already happy) customers into your new #1 source of leads for your digital product, with my free Affiliate Program Starter Guide.

No payment required!