you’re SOooo ready to get more referrals
but you want more information before booking a Wizard For A Day!
Keep scrolling to watch some Behind The Magic videos!
tech & systems
Things are feeling a little clunky right now. If you want:
help setting up an affiliate tracking software and creating links for your affiliates
a system set up to run collaborations completely hands-free
to streamline your processes so you can take your offer on tour with JV Webinars
to streamline your client referrals so they don’t feel so manual
then a Tech & Systems Wizard For A Day could be the best-fit for you!
collaboration strategy
You’re thinking about getting some more word-of-mouth referrals for your offer but you don’t know where to start.
You want a step-by-step plan that works best for your strengths, your ideal collaborators, and your offer.
Watch the video to learn more about working with me on your collaboration strategy in a Wizard For A Day!
promotional assets
You have an evergreen offer, upcoming launch, virtual summit or bundle, or JV webinars that you want your affiliates/referral partners to promote but… you don’t have ANY promotional assets for them yet!
Let me work my magic and I can create:
email swipe copy
social swipe copy + social post ideas
promo guides
creative content + positioning ideas
for your next launch, sale, or promotion in a day!