Know exactly how to improve your affiliate program or referral program in a few clicks!

your affiliate program needs some serious attention

< 20% of your affiliates are actively engaged

You spent so long growing your affiliate program but they're less active than blog comments. (R.I.P.)

your affiliates aren’t getting any clicks

Looking at your affiliate tracking software feels like you're reading binary code...

0 0 1 1 0 1 0. 🤖

you’re not converting referral traffic

Affiliates are sending people your way but you're not connecting enough with those people to turn them into customers and clients.

& don’t even get me started on how it feels 😅

you're avoiding inviting new affiliates

The word 'outreach' makes you cringe because you don't want anyone to see the state (or lack!) of your affiliate onboarding right now.

you feel guilty your affiliates aren’t selling

People have been promoting your offer but haven’t been financially rewarded for their hard work. Let’s show them that sharing your offer is a win-win-win.

you’re frustrated that nothing seems to work

You didn’t put all this time & effort into your referral program for nothing. But you’re not giving up yet! If there’s a way to turn things around, you’re doing it.

you want to switch things up so you can generate more sales & bookings from referrals

but… you don’t know what you don’t know! 💁🏻‍♀️

You’re a busy bee and you really aren’t about to spend hours Googling ‘how to improve my affiliate program’ and piecing together the results to work for your specific needs.

You need an Affiliate Wizard (oh hello! 👋) to tell you exactly what to look out for, where you could be going wrong, and all the bits & bobs you want to review and refresh in order to see more success with your program.

You also want a repeatable process you can use on an annual or quarterly basis to give your affiliate or client referral program the TLC it really deserves.

Because right now? It feels like you’re playing The Sims™ and your referral program is a crying baby that the social services come and take away because you were too busy playing with your adult sim. (Too niche of a reference? 🙈)

you don’t need to google your way through heaps of generalised content to know exactly how to spring-clean your affiliate program or referral program.

i can tell you what you* need to do in a few clicks!

*and, yes, it will be totally personalised to you and your program needs!


The all-in-one assessment tool for reviewing your affiliate or referral program and pinpointing EXACTLY what you can tweak, edit, and overhaul to get more leads, sales, & bookings from referrals.

your affiliate or referral program is about to be spick & span in 3 steps ✨

1) Review.

Using my People-Led Marketing framework as a starting point, I’ll walk you through every little detail to consider in your affiliate or referral program. Your job? Simply check the boxes for everything you’re happy with and leave every other box unchecked. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! 🍋

You’ll end up with a colour-coded score for each section of my People-Led Marketing framework, so you’ll know the areas that need your focus the most!

GIF of the People-Led Marketing Score sheet going up. As the score goes up, the colour shifts from a deep orange to a darker yellow.

2) refresh.

Action time! After your review, you won't be left with all the ideas and no plan! You'll get a personalised action plan with exactly what you need to refresh, so you're not swamped with to-do lists until Q4 2025.

When you go through and action your to-do’s, you’ll see your score update! Your progress won’t go unnoticed by the Google Sheet Gods. 😉

GIF of the Revamp Your Referrals 'Refresh' sheet which shows a mouse cursor going through and checking boxes alongside action steps. You can also see a scorecard on the right of this updating as the boxes are checked.

3) re-engage.

After making all your shiny new changes and bringing your referral program up to scratch with the rest of your business, you'll want to re-engage your current affiliate partners (and invite more in!) and update them with all the tweaks you've made! 🎉

You’ll get a sheet that tells you the things you need to keep your affiliates in the know about so you can take action on re-engaging your referrals! 🥰

don’t lose sight of your goals 🎯

As much as I can give you allll the details on what you could be considering in your affiliate program or client referral program, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. I want Revamp Your Referrals to work for Y-O-U and your unique situation.

That’s why, before you dive into the Review stage, I’ll guide you through built-in workbooks to help you:

  1. Uncover what is not quite feeling right in my Gut-Feeling Check. We’ll consider things like your energy, time, and accessibility of your program to see if there are any obvious areas you want to improve.

  2. Daydream about the ‘What If’s in the Your Ideal Program worksheet. Take a moment to visualise what you want so you can note any disconnects between your dreamy program and the program you’re currently running.

And, don’t worry… these workbooks aren’t ‘write it and forget it’ kinda things. Relevant answers will be synced automatically into your Refresh stage so you can easily refer back to the things that are most important.

take a peek inside of revamp your referrals 👀

a’s to your q’s 👇

Will this work if I don't have my affiliate program or client referral program set up yet?

Revamp Your Referrals was created specifically for online business owners who have had an affiliate program or client referral program running for at least three months or so.

If you don’t have a program set up yet, the Review stage of the spreadsheet could be helpful but I can imagine it could also be a little overwhelming if you’re brand new to affiliate/referral programs.

Will this teach me how to set up an affiliate program or client referral program?

Nope! Revamp Your Referrals helps you review and improve the affiliate program or client referral program you already have.

If you need help setting up a client referral program, the Client Referral Toolkit will interest you. For affiliate programs, take a look at the Affiliate Program Toolkit.

Is there a community or group along with this?

Yep! If you join Revamp Your Referrals, you’ll be invited into my Customer-Only group on Facebook!

What format does revamp your referrals come in?

Primarily, Revamp Your Referrals is a Google Sheet template.

When you purchase, you’ll get a login to Revamp Your Referrals in ThriveCart Learn, which hosts the Google Sheet link along with some tutorial videos to guide you through each stage of the Review, Refresh, and Re-engage process.

Every video in the course has closed captions and speed control.

Does this also come as an excel spreadsheet?

Sorry! Right now, Revamp Your Referrals is only available as a Google Sheet. But Google easily allows you to export their sheets into Excel!

What's your refund policy?

I have a 'one-question-asked' refund policy 7 days post-purchase. Simply tell me what you didn’t like about the product and I’ll give you your money back!

Can I invite a team member?

Yes! If you need another login for your team member, simply reach out and I'll set that up for you.

Is this a course?

Revamp Your Referrals isn’t a course. In short, it’s a spreadsheet template to help you review & improve your affiliate or referral program. The spreadsheet comes with training videos to guide you through the process but I won’t be teaching you all the ins and outs of all the strategies & recommendations mentioned in the spreadsheet. (Or you’d be looking at a HUGE - and pricey - course. 😅)

I'm a VA/marketer. Can I use this process for my client projects?

Revamp Your Referrals is for personal use only. However, I do have a commercial license available for Revamp Your Referrals so you can use my process towards your client work. Please reach out to learn more.

Can I buy Revamp Your Referrals on behalf of a team member for them to implement?

Yes! If you need another login for your team member, simply reach out and I'll set that up for you.